
wholehearted: intimacy, courage and freedom in God

Letting go of lack

on April 6, 2015
There are so many moments when I live in the lack, when I’m focused on my lack of resources, lack of time, lack of spirituality, lack of capacity….lack, lack, lack!
It is fuelled by the world’s constant nagging that I need more, that if I only had the right car, shampoo, pay check… my life would be complete and I would attain supreme happiness and confidence. But at the very core of lack is a belief that I am lacking: that I’m not good enough, strong enough, capable enough, spiritual enough.
2 years ago I was drowning in a sea of lack! I was already drained from the season I had walked through. The endless demands of life and trying to juggle 5 kids and a super busy hubby left me feeling totally inadequate. I was overwhelmed daily, hourly by a sense of lack. I felt inadequate to parent 5 children well and meet all their needs. The 5 o’clock ritual of homework, dinner, baths, cleaning-up, tantrums, bed, was leaving me exhausted and frazzled.I begged my husband to be home early to help me get through but this wasn’t always possible with his schedule. And I just ended up feeling frustrated and alone.
I thank God that He didn’t leave me in that place of despair, that as I ran to Him with my lack and inadequacy, He met me.
I have read Psalm 23 a million times… ‘The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing’, but in that place of heartache, this verse became an anchor. What if I were to actually believe this??? In those moments when I felt overwhelmed and barely coping, I started reciting that verse. “The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing!”
In the coming weeks it brought courage to my weary heart, it brought truth to my weary spirit, but most importantly, it lifted my eyes from the ‘lack’ of who I believed I was, to the limitless resource, wisdom and beauty of my Shepherd.
Slowly but surely, my sense of lack, of inadequacy, of not being enough was being replaced by faith in the One who had me. The One who knows the path ahead, the One who gives me rest, the One who restores my soul.
The demands of life didn’t change. Life was and is still crazy, messy, and busy…but I changed. My Shepherd met me! and I placed my trust in Him to lead me, protect me, guide me.
I have found there are 2 powerful antidotes to lack:
  • the Shepherd Himself who refreshes my heart and speaks words of truth into my places of inadequacy, who tells me I am enough because He created me and I am His.
  •  a thankful heart that lifts it’s focus from the lack to gratitude. Sometimes we just need to change what we’re looking at. Shifting our focus from the lack to the many blessings we have brings joy and contentment.
All of us have faced moments, maybe seasons where life was overwhelming and we didn’t know how to navigate the road ahead. We can be fearful of whether we’ve got what it takes, frightened by our own sense of lack but the Shepherd tells us we are enough because we are His. He leads us when we are unsure of the path ahead, He restores our weary souls, He protects our vulnerable hearts… but we must choose to TRUST.
Can I encourage you… if  you feel overwhelmed by the lack, set down your anchor in Him…The Lord is your Shepherd and with Him you lack nothing!!!!
Tammy x
I am enough_Graphic2

6 responses to “Letting go of lack

  1. Noreen packer says:

    Once again your words have reached me at the right time,I have been feeling very depressed and your words about the Lord is my shepherd came at the right time,keep up your writings they are inspirational


    • Tammy says:

      Thanks for your encouragement Noreen! The Lord is your Shepherd and I pray you sense His presence, leading and love for you as you seek Him. xx


  2. Vetti says:

    yup!! Good one tams!


  3. Jenni White says:

    Great post Tam!


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